Building more than buildings…

Building more than buildings
The Silverman brothers, real estate scions, make their mark on local art scene

byE. Assata Wright
Reporter staff writer

Like the proverbial tree falling in the woods, can art still exist if there is no one to appreciate it? Probably. Most artists would say they’d much rather have an audience than not – and connecting the art to the audience isn’t always easy. It requires a space where the art can exist, and a sponsor who makes that space possible.

Thus, for every Next Wave Festival at BAM there has to be an American Express; for every Jazz at Lincoln Center there has to be a MasterCard.

The unseen hands that have helped shape – and support – many arts projects locally in Jersey City belong to brothers and real estate developers Paul and Eric Silverman. Together they have given critical institutional support to Art House Productions, the seasonal JC Fridays events, the annual Artists’ Studio Tour, and have regularly curated exhibits at the Majestic Theatre Condominiums and the Hamilton Square Condominium, two of their properties.

‘When we’re building a building, it’s more than just the physical building. We like to think we’re building a relationship with the community.’ – Paul Silverman

Read more:Hudson Reporter – Building more than buildings The Silverman brothers real estate scions make their mark on local art scene

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