Former Governor Who Resigned Accepts Jersey City Appointment


Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey still insists that he’s done with politics after he famously resigned and came out as gay in 2004, but that doesn’t mean he can’t stick a toe back into the waters.

On Friday, the 55-year-old Democrat accepted an appointment by Jersey City’s new mayor, Steven Fulop, as the head of a commission overseeing job training in New Jersey’s second-largest city, the Jersey City Employment & Training Commission. The job is a full-time position with a salary of $110,000, and Mr. McGreevey will assume the role on Sept. 9.
The appointment comes as two other local politicians with baggage— Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer—have returned to politics for the first time since resigning their positions in the midst of sex scandals.
Unlike Messrs. Spitzer and Weiner’s bids for elected office, Mr. McGreevey’s new appointed role is policy-driven and, in his eyes, decidedly unglamorous. And after years of soaking up the political limelight, the former governor is happier with humbler work.
“As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten a different sense of what’s important,” said Mr. McGreevey, a Plainfield, N.J., resident, in an interview. “For me it’s my faith, my family and strengthening my community.”
Read more at: online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324879504578602202505328588.html
Photo courtesy of Bryan Smith for The Wall Street Journal

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